WSET qualifications, where to start?

WSET qualifications, where to start?

WSET courses, where to start? We are frequently asked by prospective candidates, which WSET level should I study first? This is particularly relevant for those who have existing wine qualifications, often Italian sommelier certification. The Wine & Spirit Education Trust offers four levels of wine qualifications, designated levels 1 through 4. Wine Academy Italia offers levels…

Specialist Wine Training for your business.

Specialist Wine Training for your business.

The February edition of Drinks International magazine contains a feature outlining our collaboration with the Consorzio Tutela Vini Soave to provide WSET wine training. The first course was held in November 2017, additional dates are planned for this year. Wine Academy Italia is delighted to work in partnership with a wide variety of Consorzio and businesses…

WSET è il primo posto al mondo

WSET è il primo posto al mondo. L’anno scorso un numero record di studenti ha studiato corsi WSET. 85.487 candidati si sono esaminati attraverso la serie di qualifiche riconosciute a livello internazionale (un aumento del 19% rispetto all’anno precedente) rendendo WSET la più popolare organizzazione del settore della formazione del vino nel mondo. WSET è relativamente nuovo per l’Italia,…